Does Home Ownership comes with Benefits? Ofcourse, it does!!!

General Pulkit Narang 6 Jan

Benefits of Home Ownership –

Buying a home is not just about equity and investments, but is about the future 🏡

✅ Homeownership – Single Largest source of savings
✅ Payments towards your mortgage builds equity
✅ Equity build can be used as security
✅ Return on Investment aka ROI is substantial
✅ Investing in real estate goes a long way to secure your future
Please read below article to learn more about how home ownership is more beneficial:

So, you have decided to utilize your buying power in the Canadian retail market and are looking to purchase a home – congratulations! This is a great step towards ensuring your future.

As a potential homeowner, there are some amazing benefits that we think you should be aware of right out of the gate:

  1. Homeownership is the single largest source of savings for Canadian households.
  2. Your payments build equity (as opposed to renting, where your money goes to the building owner).
  3. Equity you build in your home can be used as security for other loans.
  4. The return on investment is substantial – in fact, the average price of a house for sale on the Canadian real estate market has increased every year since 1998.
  5. While other investments can prove volatile, investing in real estate is a solid use of your hard earned money.

Buying a home is not just about equity and investments, but it is about the future. While it is important to know what a mortgage is and how much you qualify for (and can afford), ensuring your new home is so much more than numbers. In these changing times with the cost of living constantly increasing, having home equity to fall back on can have a huge impact on your quality of life. Not only that, but owning your own home gives you a sense of pride, a feeling of security and the freedom to design the perfect living space for yourself – without having to ask permission from strata or a landlord! Moving into your first apartment or moving on up to your first house is an incredible step in the journey of life!

Now, as excited as you are to get started, you probably have some questions! Let us take you through some of the most important things to know when it comes to home ownership to ensure your experience is as smooth as possible – and provides the best possible outcome for you!


It is amazing how many people really don’t know what a mortgage is. Maybe you weren’t sure you would be in a position to have one or maybe you just never asked! Never fear – we have the answers.

To keep it simple, a mortgage is a loan that is specific to properties and homes. This type of loan uses the home or land you purchase as security in the event the loan cannot be paid. Mortgages are registered as legal documents and can be obtained through a variety of sources (or lenders) including banks, credit unions and alternative lenders or through the use of a mortgage broker!


Principle The principal is the amount of the loan that is actually borrowed.
Interest Rates As with any loans (credit cards, lines of credit, etc) interest will be incurred. This is the amount that the lender charges for the privilege of funds borrowed. The amount of your interest payment will depend on the interest rates, which vary depending on terms and conditions of the mortgage and the borrower’s credit history.
Mortgage Payments These can occur monthly, semi-monthly (twice a month), bi-weekly (every other week), accelerated bi-weekly or weekly and are made to the lender. These payments encompass both payments to the principal amount borrowed, as well as interest charges.
Amortization Period This is the number of years it will take to repay the entire mortgage in full and is determined when you are approved. A longer amortization period will result in lower payments but more interest overall as it will take longer to pay off. The typical range is 15 to 30 years.
Term Term is the length of time that a mortgage agreement exists between you and the lender. Rates and payments vary with the length of the term. The most common term is a 5-year, but they can be anywhere from 1 to 10 years. Generally a longer term will come at a higher rate due to the added security. A “Fixed Mortgage” means you are locked in at the interest rate agreed for a longer length of time.A “Variable Mortgage” features an interest rate that is adjusted periodically to reflect market conditions.
Maturity Date The maturity date marks the end of the term. At this time, you can repay the balance of the principle or renegotiate the mortgage at the current rates. Note: If you choose to repay or renegotiate the mortgage before the term is up, penalties may be charged.


One of the biggest factors to purchasing a home is knowing how much you qualify for when it comes to a mortgage – and how much you can afford!

To determine the amount of the mortgage you qualify for, banks will utilize a set of ratios which determine the amount of your income that will be used to pay down the debt. These ratios are Gross Debt Servicing (GDS) and Total Debt Servicing (TDS).

It sounds confusing, but let us help break this down for you!


The first ratio, Gross Debt Servicing (GDS) is the percentage of gross income that is required to cover housing costs. If you are looking at getting an insured mortgage (less than 20 percent down payment on the purchase price) the limit is 32% GDS. For uninsured mortgages (20 per cent or more down payment) the limit is 39% GDS.

To calculate this, you would take any home-related expenses (mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities and strata fees when applicable) and divide them by gross monthly income to get your GDS percentage.

Gross Monthly Income $4,500.00
Mortgage Payment $1,000.00
Property Taxes $200.00
Heating Expenses $150.00
Total Expenses $1,350.00
Gross Debt Servicing (GDS) 30%

The rate of 30% GDS is well within the requirements and would be approved.


The other ratio banks use is known as Total Debt Servicing (TDS). This is the percentage of your gross income required to cover housing costs (same as with the GDS) but also any other debts. The guidelines for an insured mortgage (less than 20 percent down) has a limit of 40% TDS while an uninsured mortgage (20 per cent or more down) is 44% TDS.

To calculate this, you would take all home-related expenses (mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities and strata fees when applicable) and other debts (credit cards, personal loans, student loans, car payment or a line of credit) and divide them by gross monthly income to get your TDS percentage.

Gross Monthly Income $4,500.00
Mortgage Payment $1,000.00
Property Taxes $200.00
Heating Expenses $150.00
Student Loan Payment $100.00
Car Payment $300.00
Total Expenses $1,750.00
Total Debt Servicing (TDS) 39%

The rate of 39% TDS is well within the requirements and would be approved.


In order to get approved for the mortgage, you need to declare your income so the bank can compare it to your expenses and determine the ratios noted above.

If you are employed with a company, you would provide an employee statement declaring minimum guaranteed gross wage OR last two-year average if there were bonuses or commissions that put your income above your guaranteed wages. If the most recent year was lower, that year will be used instead of the average.

If you are self-employed, you would provide the average of your last two years of income based on line 150 of your tax returns. It is important to know that there are programs available for self-employed borrowers in cases where the two-year average does not qualify them for a mortgage. Just ask your mortgage broker!


There are many cases where buyers will qualify for more than they intend on spending – but don’t get greedy! It is vastly more important, especially for your first home, to stay within a budget that you can afford each month instead of overextending yourself simply because it is available to you. The most important aspect is that your payments are reasonable and affordable. There are always options to move to a larger home in the future!


Written by our DLC Marketing Team

Tips on How to Reduce your Heating Cost this Winter

General Pulkit Narang 30 Dec

With winters right around the corner, here are some of the tips to help lower your heating cost and have an enjoyable “stress-free” winters ☃️

• Inspect your heat source
• Check your fireplace
• Manage your thermostat
• Close the door
• Be mindful of drafts

Please read below article to help reduce heating costs this year by following simple steps:

5 Tips to Reduce Heating Costs.

When it comes to the winter season, it can be easy to go overboard when it comes to heating – but there is a better way! With a little awareness – and the right preparation – heating your home this winter won’t have to cost you a fortune. To help you save, we have put together a few helpful tips to reduce heating costs:

  1. Inspect Your Heat Sources – Regardless of whether you rely on a fireplace, gas or baseboard heating, it is always a good idea to have all heat sources inspected for efficiency.
  1. Check Your Fireplace – It is recommended to keep your fireplace damper closed, unless there is a fire burning. Otherwise, it is the same as having your window wide-open during the winter! For those of you with a fireplace you never use, now might be a good time to plug and seal the chimney to keep warm air from escaping.
  1. Manage Your Thermostat – As tempting as it is to turn your heat all the way up in the winter, proper thermostat management will help you save costs in the long run. A thermostat with a timer is a great option to help you save this winter. Turn it on earlier so the room heats up in time for use, instead of cranking the heat when you need to get warm quickly and have it turn off 30 minutes before bed or before leaving the home. If you find you are chilly at night, a safely positioned space heater and closed door is a far more inexpensive choice.
  1. Close The Door – To keep your heating system from working too hard, close doors when rooms are not in use. This prevents heat transfer in and out of vacant rooms, and will ensure the space you’re currently using remains warm and cozy.
  1. Be Mindful of Drafts – Checking for drafts is another important way to reduce heating costs. If you notice any issues, using a weatherstrip or caulking to seal doors and windows is a relatively inexpensive fix that can have a huge savings impact on your heating bill.

Written by our DLC Marketing Team

Let’s Get You Pre-Approved Today!!!

General Pulkit Narang 23 Dec

Pre-Approvals 🤩

Here are 3 advantages of getting yourself pre-approved, before searching for your dream home 🏘

✅ It confirms the maximum amount you can afford to spend
✅ It can secure you an interest rate for 90-120 days while you shop for your new home
✅ It lets the seller know that securing financing should not be an issue
Please read below article to learn more about Advantages of getting a Pre-Approval:
Written by our DLC Marketing Team

Want to sell your Home in Winter?

General Pulkit Narang 19 Dec

Thinking of selling your home in Winters 🥶 – Here are couple of important things to consider to make your selling experience “fun” 🏘
✅ Curb Appeal
✅ Keep it Cosy
✅ Lighting and Inviting
✅ Declutter
✅ Define Business Boundaries
Do read the below article to find out more:

While you might think selling your home in winter is harder, with the right considerations it doesn’t have to be! When selling your home during warmer months, the focus is typically on curb appeal and gardening, as well as having bright colors and patterns to draw out different rooms.

While curb appeal should not be forgotten in winter months, the focus should be centered on creating a warm, comfortable and welcoming space. You can do this through the following:

  1. Curb Appeal – If you live in an area that receives high amounts of snow, be diligent about keeping your sidewalk and driveways clear for visitors, and to keep your home looking clean for viewing. Always make sure to sweep any fallen leaves or debris.
  2. Keep it Cozy – Ensuring your home is sufficiently heated during showings will also go a long way to making it feel more comfortable; a steady 20 to 22 degrees Celsius during showings is ideal.
  3. Light and Inviting – With days being shorter and darker during winter, ensuring your home is light and inviting can make a big difference. In some cases, you may consider repainting the walls before listing your property.
  4. Declutter – When selling, it is important to declutter your home so that it looks its best and gives room for people to imagine their own belongings in your space.
  5. Define Property Boundaries – If you are showing your home in the middle of snow season, be sure to mark the four corners of your property so that potential buyers can see exactly what they are getting.

While there is some extra work with selling your home in the winter due to the weather conditions, it can pay off! Buyers tend to be highly motivated and often there is less competition for sales during this time giving more focus to your home.


Written by our DLC Marketing Team

Can Higher Interest Rates be Sometimes Better? Yes, it can!!

General Pulkit Narang 9 Dec

When it comes to getting a mortgage 🏠, there is a common misperception that a low rate is the most important factor. However, while your rate does matter for your mortgage, it is not the only component to consider.

If you’re looking to get a mortgage or renew an existing one, these are some other important factors that you should look at beyond simply the interest rate:
✅ Term of your mortgage
✅ Amortization
✅ Payment Schedule
✅ Portability
✅ Pre-Payment Options
✅ Penalty Calculations
✅ Variable v/s Fixed
✅ Open v/s Closed
Please read below article to learn more about how high interest rates can be sometimes better:

When it comes to getting a mortgage, there is a common misperception that a low rate is the most important factor. However, while your rate does matter for your mortgage, it is not the only component to consider.

If you’re looking to get a mortgage, these are some other important factors that you should look at beyond simply the interest rate:

Term: The length of time that the options and interest rate you choose are in effect. A shorter term (5 years) allows you to make changes to your mortgage sooner, without penalties.

Amortization: The length of time you agree to take to pay off your mortgage (usually 25 years). This determines how the interest is amortized over time.

Payment Schedule: How often you make your mortgage payments. It can be weekly, every two weeks or once a month and will affect your monthly cashflow differently depending on your choice.

Portability: An option that lets you transfer or switch your mortgage to another home with little or no penalty when you sell your existing home. Mortgage loan insurance can also be transferred to the new home.

Pre-Payment Options: The ability to make extra payments, increase your payments or pay off your mortgage early without incurring a penalty.

Penalty Calculations: Where variable rates typically charge three-months interest, a fixed rate mortgage uses an Interest Rate Differential (IRD) calculation. This can add up quite quickly! In fact, in some cases, penalties for breaking a fixed mortgage can sometimes be two or three times higher than that of a variable-rate.

Variable versus Fixed: For fixed-rate mortgages, the interest rate does not fluctuate over time. For variable-rate mortgages the interest rate fluctuates with market rates, which can be great when rates drop but not so great when rates are rising.

Open versus Closed: An open mortgage is similar to pre-payment options, allowing you to pay off your mortgage at any time with no penalties. A closed mortgage, on the other hand, offers limited to no options to pay off your interest in full despite often having lower interest rates.

When considering your mortgage, the above components all have a part to play in your overall mortgage as well as your homeownership experience.

It is easy to think that a low-interest rate is good enough, sign on the dotted line… but you may be overlooking important options such as portability, which allows you to switch your mortgage to another property should you choose to move. Or pre-payment options, which give you the choice to make additional payments to your mortgage. Without looking deeper at your mortgage, you may find yourself being forced to pay penalties in the future because you wanted to make a payment or a change to your mortgage structure. In some cases, agreeing to a higher rate to have more options and flexibility is better in the long run than the savings received from a lower rate.

Before agreeing to any mortgage, it is best to talk to your Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert about the contract, as well as your future goals and any potential concerns you have to ensure that you get the best mortgage product for YOU.


Written by our DLC Marketing Team

“Credit Score” – 10 Must Know Facts About Them

General Pulkit Narang 9 Dec

Everyone talks about “Credit Score” but do you know some fun facts about them? Please read below to learn more about what a credit score is and how to keep it healthy !

If you are in the market for a home or a new car, you are probably very familiar with your credit score. Lenders are one of the primary users of credit scores and it can have a huge impact on whether you get approved for a loan and just how much interest it is going to cost you. What isn’t well known about credit scores is where they come from, what makes them go up (or down!) and who else besides potential lenders uses them to make decisions? Your credit score is going to be with you for life, so why not take a couple of minutes to get the facts.

  1. There are two credit-reporting agencies in Canada: Equifax and TransUnion. Your credit score may vary between the two. Lenders may check one or both agencies when you apply for credit.
  2. Your credit score is actually derived from the data in your credit report — which can be had for free once per year from Equifax and TransUnion. Some banks, credit unions, and other financial services companies provide your credit score for free as part of their services.
  3. Credit scores range between 300 and 900 with the Canadian average being 650.
  4. Your credit score is used for a lot more than just borrowing money; insurance companies, mobile phone providers, car leasing companies, landlords and employers may all require your credit score to make decisions.
  5. Five factors affect your credit score: length of credit history, credit utilization or how much of your limit you have used, the mix/types of credit you hold, the frequency you apply for credit, your payment history.
  6. Mistakes and omissions are not uncommon and is a good idea to check the details of your credit report. Both agencies have a process to report errors and get them corrected.
  7. Credit scores of 700+ are considered “good” and offer a higher chance of loan approval, greater borrowing limits, and lower or “preferred” interest rates and insurance premiums.
  8. Credit scores are continuously evaluated and adjusted. If you have “errored” in your past, the damage is not permanent! Your score can be raised/rebuilt by using credit responsibly (see #10).
  9. Checking your credit score regularly is a good idea and will help detect errors, monitor improvements, and identify fraud. This is a “soft” enquiry and will not affect your score.
  10. To increase your credit score: make payments on time, pay the full amount owing, use 35% or less of your available credit, hold a variety of credit types, apply for new credit sparingly.

Don’t make the mistake of ignoring your credit score. Even if you aren’t looking to borrow money anytime soon, there are a lot of reasons to keep an eye on it.


Written by my DLC Marketing Team